Tuesday, March 31, 2009


"Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." 1 Corinthians 8:1b

How true is that verse! I blog about Jake most of the time. He is always giving me material to write about.

Having a child with Developmental Delays can be tough some days so I arm myself with knowledge. What to do when this or that happens, etc. My Bible verses also are very important because they teach me, calm me and "arm" me with knowledge also. But, this verse (1 Corinthians 8:1b) keeps me focused on what is most important. Love.

As a parent I am aware that my Boys need to be taught and shown what is right and what is wrong. In the day-to-day life it seems I spend most of my time doing just that. but this verse reminds me of what, as a Mom, is the most important of all because disciple without love is painful for the child. They feel things about themselves a parent never wants their child to feel. The more I seek that balance the happier my kids seem to be.

I am learning to laugh more and let more just "roll" of me. Keeping with this new philosophy, I take pause before I say anything to my boys now.....well at least I do when I remember! LOL

Saturday afternoon Jake was playing outside in the backyard. He LOVES bugs and dirt. What fun when you are a boy. He also knows how much I love to garden and how much I love flowers.

After he had been out there for about an hour, he came running in yelling for me to close my eyes and come and see! He had filled up my watering pitcher with dirt and picked flowers from my garden. The he arranged the flowers in that pitcher making Mommy a special recipe!

My Husband said, "please do not be mad when you see what he has done". The mess was horrendous!

As a walked out the backdoor, I saw it. The sweetest, most thoughtful gift Jake could have ever done. It was SO well done! I am not saying that because he is my son, I mean it was very well done. Jake said it was his"recipe"! LOL Yes it was.

And there is was, my verse:

"Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." 1 Corinthians 8:1b

Love builds up, it certainly does. I am so thankful for all the help and reminders God, you and Jake give me on a regular basis to remember that love builds it does not destroy!