I have been blogging for awhile now. I THOUGHT I was going to blog about everything in our lives. Eddie, the kids, friends, places we go, blah blah blah. It has become pretty clear to me that I blog about Jake 90% of the time. Now don't get me wrong, he is funny and does some of the most bizarre things but this AM takes the cake...or maybe it runs a close first place next to trying to get the dog in the shower with him so they could "clean up" at the crack of dawn!
Ok, I am shaking off a bug right now, bad headache, chills...the whole deal. This morning Eddie got up with Jake which he rarely does, so I could sleep. That means Eddie has no idea what to expect when he reaches the kitchen or livingroom first thing. he has no idea what to look for or where to look for it first thing in the sunrise of morning.
It seems like it is every morning that I end up disciplining Jake and sending him to his room because he is playing in the kitchen with our sinile dog Sissey, who thinks my livingroom carpet is the backyard grass (if you get my meaning). Now fast forward to about 10 am this morning. All of a sudden I heard Eddie yell..."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Jake of course ran and hid because he KNEW what he had done. Apparently, Jake (once again) went into the kitchen before dawn. In an attempt to set Sissey free, he moved the doorway blocks (chairs, etc.) that keep Sissey in the kitchen and let her out into the living room and eventually to my rug. Being senile, she is thinking my living room rug was the grass...you guessed it.....she did her business right there on my carpet!!! UGH. I must be getting through to Jake because he knew he or Sissey or both of them were now in trouble with Mom. So Jake decided to hide Sissey's poo himself. But where????? Mmmmm..... I know he thought........IN MY CLOTHES DRIER WITH MY CLEAN CLOTHES!@%$#%$#^&%%
WHAT am I going to do with this child????????? Eddie just lost his mind! Jake of course eventually came out of hiding and when Eddie told him (the same thing I say everyday) not to let the dog out, stay in your bed and of course, DON't touch the dog mess!!! Jake just said "Oh?".
What is left for me to say? Either I need or Jake needs therapy. I'll let you know what I figure out.
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