Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It has been such a long time since my last post. I apologize for not being more active and keeping in touch with you.

It has been a long journey to this moment. One I will not quickly forget. On Monday my husband started a new job after being out of work for nearly 2 1/2 years. He is nervous and not sure if he is the "right" man for the job yet. I cannot image how a man feels when he cannot take care of his family but I do know how my man feels, lost.

He has been Blessed with a job back in his own field! That is our God at work for sure. After a major healing in the relationship with his prior boss, it was, in the end, his prior boss who got him the interview and went to bat for him. He told the new boss that Eddie was still working for him and that work had slowed down so he wanted to help him get a new job since he had a family. How amazing redempion is! How great is our God!!

I wish I could say that I knew it all along but I did not. I have had many ups and downs over the past 2 years and have wondered if I somehow disobeyed God in such a way that he turned His back on me. How wrong I was! Our God is a loving God. "'The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion." Numbers 14:18a

The moment I realized that I felt something lift from me. It was a large bolder I had been carrying around for way too long. I was not raised with a loving God so for me I figured I was being punished in some way. But God does not put us through anything that He cannot handle. I know, it suppose to be "that we cannot handle", but I guess I do not see it that way anymore.

I am grateful for the job that the Lord has given Eddie and pray my husband excels in it! In the meantime, I am getting my family and home back on track. I am also getting me back on track too. For the past 8 months I have been looking for work that I can do to supplement our income without being away from home too often. Since I love network marketing I decided to research companies to work for. All together I found 3 that I liked. through prayer and God's intervention, I settled on a skin care company called NU SKIN. Funny that it never occurred to me before since I have always loved skin care and make-up. Anyway, a very dear friend of mine told my story to a women who has been very successful in that company. When she heard my story she called me and asked to meet. I joined the Nu Skin family with her constant guidance, support and help. I am actually loving what I am doing! So I will be talking about skin care and products as I learn them. Hope you don't mind?

All in all I know that the journey continues. That is why I love life and my Savior. I am never alone, never a failure and never unloved.

God Bless you all.


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